
What is Connect Care?

Connect Care is an Alberta Health Services (AHS) initiative that bridges information gaps, healthcare teams and patient needs. The foundation of Connect Care is a provincial clinical information system (CIS). This uses Epic software to integrate complementary systems into a coherent record that spans the continuum of care. Connect Care will replace most of the 1,300 health information systems currently in place across AHS and affiliated organizations, simplifying health information access while preserving the patient story.

Connect Care will improve patient and provider experiences by promoting informational continuity wherever Connect Care is the record of care. Parallel work to align health processes and practices improves relational (communication & collaboration) and knowledge (goals & guidance) continuity. And better connections to Alberta’s provincial electronic health record (Netcare) and community electronic medical records (EMRs) will strengthen information exchange where Connect Care is not the record of care.

While the intent is clinical improvement, reduction in the number and diversity of health information systems will also limit information technology expenditures.